The Fellowship of the Swim

Bromma Simsällskap

At last weekend’s Vansbro 10km swim event, we had 14 swimmers from the masters squad. About 35% of the club’s active swimmers. Not a bad turnout. I had originally thought about writing a race report, but after the weekend I realized there was another, even bigger story to tell.

Hanging out after the 10k

I know my posts tend to be more training-focused, but without the training communities and camaraderie within them, I for one wouldn’t achieve the consistency of training that is so, so important. These communities deserve praise and acknowledgment.

I started swimming with Bromma Swim Club in 2011 through a neighbour who had kids in the club. It was a few parents who borrowed a couple of lanes on Sunday from the kid’s groups. As a nascent triathlete and swimrunner, I was performing well on the bike and run but quickly realized that the dark arts of swim performance were a tough nut to crack. I took over the coordination and coaching and grew the masters’ section to what it is today.

One of the regular open water meet-ups at Ängbybadet.
Left to Right; Tom, Daniel, Susanne

For context here’s a little background on Bromma Swim Club from one of the lead coaches of the youth section (I translated it from Swedish but you’ll get the gist):

Swimming clubs in Sweden are largely driven by the world of competition. This is noticeable partly on the financial side, where the groups at the bottom of the performance pyramid contribute to financing the more costly competitive activities, but also on the culture of the club, where the competition squads become the core of the activities and lower performance groups become some form of side activity. This is a problem that has begun to receive more and more attention, and among other things, Swedish Swimming is working to help associations with the issue of how a more “broad-based” focus can be included in their operations.

As an association without organised competitions and related activities, Bromma Simsällskap does not have these problems. The training fees for our broad ability swim groups go directly to running these activities. Since we do not have costly competition event activities, we can keep the training fees significantly lower. This is a non-negligible component of our goal to make swimming training accessible to everyone. With the lower expenses, we as an association can also aim for a higher proportion of coaches per swimmer, to make swimming lessons both better and more personalised for each swimmer.

A risk with having competitive activities as the central theme is that the focus becomes the next competition, and many competitive swimmers stop swimming completely when they stop competing because they have had enough or because they do not see another path. With a focus on just swimming training, without this central elite competitive component, we can aim for a lifelong swim engagement, regardless of whether this then takes place with Bromma Simsällskap or through other channels.

In essence, the master’s squad had found a perfect home, sharing the philosophy of the mother club. I asked the swimmers after Vansbro why Bromma Simsällkap and why swimming. This is a summary of their responses:

Why Swim? What Makes Our Club Special?

  1. Passionate and Consistent Coaching: Our dedicated coach, with a precision akin to an atomic clock, consistently creates sessions and maintains ongoing conversations about swimming and training techniques. This unwavering consistency lays the foundation for all other aspects of our club's success.

  2. Diverse and Inclusive Environment: Our club attracts a wide range of athletes from different sports, skill levels, genders, ages, and backgrounds. This diversity fosters healthy competition and a dynamic environment where everyone can thrive without feeling overwhelmed.

  3. Inspiring and Humble Athletes: We are proud to have several highly successful and humble athletes who inspire us by sharing their experiences and knowledge. Their presence motivates everyone to strive for personal excellence.

  4. Supportive and Warm Culture: Our club is known for its strong sense of community, characterised by meaningful conversations, warmth, and mutual support. Humour and social interactions are as important as the swimming itself, creating a balanced and enjoyable atmosphere.

  5. Organised Activities and Events: Regular activities and trips, such as Vansbro, training camps, and festive gatherings, strengthen our bonds and enhance the overall experience. These events are essential for building camaraderie and creating lasting memories.

  6. Continuous Improvement and Enjoyment: Swimming offers endless opportunities for improvement. The complexity of the sport allows swimmers to constantly refine their skills, making it an engaging and stimulating activity even for older athletes.

  7. Inclusive and Self-Managed Training: Our approach to training encourages individual responsibility and self-management. Without a coach poolside for every session, swimmers are free to pursue their own goals and ambitions, creating a personalised and fulfilling experience.

  8. Accessible for Adult Beginners: Unlike many clubs, we cater well to adult beginners by offering multiple sessions per week, making swimming accessible and affordable. The club's supportive environment helps newcomers overcome initial fears and challenges.

  9. Meditative and Stress-Relieving: Swimming provides a unique opportunity to be fully present, akin to meditation. The rhythmic movements and focus required help swimmers forget daily stresses and immerse themselves in the moment.

  10. Community and Social Connection: Beyond physical benefits, the club offers invaluable social connections. Conversations at the poolside, advice in the showers, and shared laughter during social events contribute significantly to members' mental well-being.

  11. Holistic Approach to Health: For many, swimming has been a therapeutic activity, improving physical conditions like scoliosis and back pain, while also alleviating stress and mental health issues. The social support within the club enhances these benefits.

  12. Unwavering Commitment to Inclusivity: Our club is a haven where everyone is welcome, regardless of their starting point. This inclusive spirit ensures that all members feel valued and supported in their swimming journey.

I believe that these elements create a positive feedback loop, reinforcing each other and making our club a unique and special place. The community, the support, and the shared passion for swimming create an environment where everyone can grow, improve, and enjoy the sport to its fullest.

Front Left to Right: Niklas, Ingela, Fast-Jesper, Emma. Back Left to Right: Random dude that swam in speedos pulling a blow-up unicorn and still beat me, Fast-Åsa, Me.

I’m certainly more proud of what we have created together than my swim performances, but then again, in the bigger picture, I can live with that.

If you haven’t discovered swimming or still see swimming as a necessary evil before a run… I promise you, dedicate yourself to the cause. After the initial entry barriers, you will soon find your flow. Looking at the results and measuring relative performance as a percentage of winners time you’ll discover that swimming is much more of a level playing field. Much less sensitive to age, body composition, and power-to-weight ratio than running or even biking. As a non-load-bearing activity, it is also much less prone to injury. 

The @westsideswimrunners before a weekly Wednesday evening swimrun

This is also a translation from Swedish about the club.

BSS is a non-profit association and the "social swimming club" - the club statutes:

  • Swimming should aim to positively develop individuals physically, mentally, socially, and culturally.

  • Swimming should be structured and organized to be accessible to everyone in some form, ensuring that it provides satisfaction aligned with each individual's values.

  • Swimming should be governed by democratic principles, promoting individual influence and shared responsibility.

  • Swimming should serve as an international means of connection, respecting the equal value of all people.

A worthy mission.

Scratch results (no age groups) Sunday Vansbro 10k; Åsa 5th Woman, Jesper 7th Man (in 2023 Åsa 4th and Jesper 9th; but on the longer 21km+ Vidöstern swim Åsa 1st woman and Jesper 2nd man).

On the Saturday Vansbro 70.3 Triathlon; Men AG 44-49 Johan* 2nd, Women AG 35-39 Melissa 3rd, Women AG 55-59 Susanne 1st. 🏆 Legends. *First out of the water.

In the weekend’s other major event… the Friday Beer Mile organised by Ängby Runners (another amazing training community) had Bromma swimmers in 1st, 2nd, and 3rd!

Linus, Jonas, and Tom leading the pack after the 2nd lap

With such talk of places, let’s not forget that true nobility is turning up, doing the work, and pursuing a better version of your former self - do that and in in my eyes you are a legitimate winner regardless of how many are in front or behind.

Swimming is fantastic cross-training and incorporates breathwork and mindfulness. Even if swim performance is not important to you, incorporating swim training into your routine has many benefits.

Find your Fellowship!


or to participate.